Join us in supporting Christ's Hope Tanzania!

Two years ago, I went on my first trip out of the country. Mwanza, Tanzania. This was a life changing mission trip for me and the rest of the team. I had not been exposed to that level of poverty and this trip really put things in perspective for me. At first, it was challenging for me to adjust to the culture and language but by the end of the trip, I didn’t want to go home. Through these kids, I saw the simple joy and love that they had in their hearts for us, each other and most importantly, God. They worshiped so freely and blissfully it was hard not to join in. Despite their circumstances, they were still able to care for us and be extremely grateful for everything the CarePoint and our team had to offer. 

This past summer, we had the pleasure of going back for a second time with a much bigger team than before. Again, we were humbled by their presence and joy. We were encouraged by the staff’s unwavering love for all the children and their dedication to the cause. 

Also this past summer, I met Anna. I remember seeing her for the first time, when she grabbed my hand and pulled me in to join her and friends in a game of pass the ball. This was one of the first days of the trip, and I was still getting to know everyone. I was a little uncomfortable at first with all the new people, but when she took my hand everything seemed better.

Later, I realized that on one of the home visits we were able to see, we had seen her house, I just hadn’t met her yet. We were introduced to her older sister, Lucy, who was seventeen, just a year older than me at the time. She shared how she wasn’t in school because she did not pass the college entrance exam. These high schoolers only have one shot at passing this exam or else they cannot continue their education. This struck me since she was basically the same age as me, but far more mature in a way, taking care of her household. Lucy invited us into her home, crowded with all six of us, revealing a one room home with a small twin bed, a couch and a table. The room was smaller than the kitchen in the 133 office and housed her family of eight. Lucy was incredibly welcoming and open to answer all of the questions we had for her.

Later that same day, while we were still at the CarePoint playing with the children, I had gotten some dust on my long black skirt. I hadn’t noticed, too busy playing patty cake, which most of the younger girls loved to play, when I felt a small hand on my skirt. Anna had noticed that there was dust on my skirt and was brushing it off for me, very focused. I looked at her, humbled, and then at her own green skirt, which was dusty as well. I tried to dust off her skirt but she pushed my hands away kindly and continued to brush off my skirt. I am still amazed that this young girl, nearly 10 years younger than me, was gracious enough to wipe the dust off my skirt for me. I had just met her and yet she was so selfless towards me. I saw the Lord through her there and continued to see Him through all of the other children that day too.

Anna is just one example of the amazing children who are at these CarePoints. Anna showed me what it meant to be grateful and appreciate the little things as big victories. Seeing where she lives and how little material things she has yet how generous she was with her love and affection to me really left an imprint. Anna always had a smile ready and clearly found so much joy in the little things. No matter her circumstances at home, she was grateful for everything and never complained. Leaving Mwanza was so difficult last year and I held onto the hope that I would be able to return this coming summer. 

However, amid the Coronavirus pandemic, this isn’t a possibility anymore. We aren’t able to return this summer, but the children and staff are very much on our hearts. I want to still be a part of their community and help them in any way we can by fundraising from the US. Although we cannot go to Tanzania this summer, we still want to be able to help in some way, and after speaking to Christ’s Hope, the best resource we can provide is donations - for food, support, medical resources and anything else they might need. We want to be involved. Mwanza has such a special place in my heart and I want to be able to support them in the best way possible. 

All the funds raised will be going directly to support the work of Christ’s Hope Tanzania, where it is needed most instead of for something specific. Christ’s Hope’s leadership has let our team know that the CarePoints have had to unfortunately close due to social distancing regulations. That being said, the CarePoint staff members are delivering food packages to the families or caregivers of children who are supported by Christ’s Hope’s programs and helping meet other needs as they are able. Even though individual children are being sponsored by people from the US, the support doesn’t actually cover all of the needs of the ministry. In fact, the cost of food has increased, which has added to the burden of already struggling families who live in the communities around the CarePoints. For most of the children, the meals they receive from the CarePoint are the only ones they get throughout the whole week. This is heartbreaking. 

Please consider joining me and the team in financially supporting Christ Hope Tanzania and these children. Your support will be used to mainly buy food for the children, giving them a fighting chance in surviving during this unprecedented time.

You can reach the giving site through the website or use this direct link. Make sure you select Brookline as the campus and 2020 Fundraiser for Christ’s Hope Tanzania in the drop down menu. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we appreciate your support. Stay well! 

- Hannah Park

Hannah is a junior at Brookline High School. She has been attending City on a Hill Brookline with her family for the past four years and is a part of the student ministry.

City on a Hill Brookline has been partnering with Christ’s Hope International in Tanzania since 2012.