A Year of Highs and Lows with Jesus

There is something in the human heart that causes us to forget easily. We inadvertently forget about the significant milestones in our lives, the people who have walked with us over the years, and the kindness and joy we have experienced along the way. This forgetfulness is not so much that we lose the memories but that the memories lose their impact on us. The urgency of the moment, the immediacy of the next task, and the frenetic pace of modern urban life all add up to one thing: we don’t spend much time remembering all God has done in and around us.

God’s people are not immune to this forgetfulness but the impact of forgetting God’s faithfulness is significant. Moses wrote in Deuteronomy 4:9, “Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life.” It is important for us to look back to God’s faithfulness as we look to 2020 because, just like the Israelites, if we don’t, our natural drift will be toward self-sufficiency and pride.

I want us to take a little time to remember the last year. Here are a few stories I remember of God’s faithfulness in CoaH from this last year: 

  • Hearing dozens of stories coming out of community groups – people caring deeply for each other, welcoming new people, being community for people who are journeying toward Jesus, serving each other in times of need and more! 

  • Standing in the big assembly at Kids Summer Adventure and watching over 90 kids dance, sing, play, and learn about Jesus being led by amazing volunteers. 

  • Serving at the Brookline Housing High Street Apartments (section 8) cookout – seeing CoaH folks paint faces, give away popcorn and cotton candy (soooo much cotton candy), and connecting with our neighbors.

  • Seeing folks stepping into Foster Care/Adoption including getting certified/stepping into respite care, emergency placement, full foster care, and adoption. And it is incredible knowing that every individual and family taking these steps has support from their CG!

  • Laying hands on and praying for dozens of people lined up in front of the stage in our gathering, being commissioned as the core team to go launch CoaH Brighton with Aaron and Emily Peters (and little K!). 

Remembering these make me smile and yet they are only the top of the iceberg. I could keep going and talk about how God used Life Explored, gave us an incredible retreat, allowed us to send out 200 people during the BIG Move, moved us into CCS, and much more. And all of these were made possible in one way or other through your generosity in service and resources. We have much good to remember.

The one other event from this year that looms heavy in my memory (and all of CoaH) is the tragic death of our friend and faithful fellow member, Timothy Aduralere. The event itself has left us all saddened and introspective about our own lives, but by God’s grace, it has brought our CoaH family together in the deepest way I’ve ever witnessed. Truly I saw us “bear one another’s burdens” and “weep with those who weep” as the Bible talks about. Those are precious, holy moments and to remember them is to remember the presence of Jesus made manifest in his church. Let us remember and continue to support each other.

As we move quickly toward January 1 and a new year, I want to invite you to pause and “remember.” 

  • How has God shown his faithfulness to you, especially over this last year? Maybe it has been a hard year for you but think through the ways God has cared for you in it. 

  • How have you seen God work in CoaH, in your CG, in your relationships, and in your service to him? 

Take some time over the next few weeks to reflect, pray, and praise God.

Let us remember God’s faithfulness over this last year as we look to 2020 trusting in his faithfulness for the days to come.

Deuteronomy 15:15 You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you.

- Pastor Bland Mason

City on a Hill Brookline