A New Year to Follow Jesus

A new year gives us a fresh opportunity to “forget what lies behind and strain forward to what lies ahead… [to] press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 3:13-14). This path is the one that leads to joy, peace, and life at its fullest, both in this world and the next. It is not a path for a select few followers of Jesus but is available to all who follow him. And that is exactly why “Follow” is our theme for 2020. We want to see 2020 be a year where every person at City on a Hill takes steps to follow Jesus more fully. If you have not already read our blog post introducing the Follow theme, I encourage you to check it out.

“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and 

take up his cross daily and follow me.” -Luke 9:23

Self-reflection is an essential habit in our tumultuous, distracted, and fast-paced culture but self-reflection is an exercise in futility if we don’t intend to change. After all, we will simply find ourselves in the exact same spot at the end of 2020, same struggles, same brokenness, same lack of peace, same frustrations, same anxieties, etc. 

With that in mind, how can we use this time of the year to lay the groundwork to follow Jesus more fully in 2020? I encourage you to pray and reflect on these questions:

  • How did you do in “denying yourself” this year?

  • In what ways did you “take up your cross” this year?

  • What did following Jesus look like for you this year? 

  • How did you struggle in each of these areas?

  • Take time to confess and repent before God, be specific as the Spirit leads you.

ESSENTIAL TRUTH: this exercise is not just some effort of the will but a grace-driven invitation. Jesus has already paid for all of your sin and it as far from you as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). So, you don’t move into 2020 simply trying harder to earn God’s favor but instead press into the year knowing you already have God’s favor and now, are invited into a deeper intimacy with him as you grow more like Jesus.  

Take some time to think about 2020 and journal, as the Spirit leads, around the call of Jesus in Luke 9:23.

  • What will denying yourself look like in 2020?

  • How will you “take up your cross” in 2020?

  • In what new ways is Jesus calling you to follow him in your work? In your school? In your community group? With those in need? With those far from God?

As you make plans for 2020, know that God’s Word and prayer are the tools of your journey to follow Jesus. They are gifts of God to help us know him, walk in truth, grow in holiness, encourage others, have wisdom when needed, experience his power and presence, see his kingdom come in our world, comfort us when we need peace, and more. 

Time in God’s Word and prayer are essential markers of a follower of Jesus. It has been God’s method for 2000 years and you will not grow as a follower of Jesus without it.

Make the decision now on what your daily time with Jesus will look like in 2020. If you need to start with committing 10 minutes, then make a plan for those 10 minutes. You will never “find” time to be in God’s Word and prayer, you will only “make” time to do it. Will it be first thing in the morning? During your T-ride to work? Lunch break? After dinner? There is no right answer to this question, only what works best for you. Here is a great blog on 4 ways to make reading your Bible a daily habit in 2020

Resources for being in the Word

  1. Dwell App – A new app to help us engage with God’s Word in a deeper way. The Bible was originally given orally, meant to be read out loud to God’s people and there is something really unique that happens when we hear God’s Word and not simply read it on a page. The Dwell app is an audio Bible that uses several different readers from different parts of the world and includes original music designed to help us engage. You have the freedom to pick the reader and the music track. Because it is a high quality app and does not include adds or annoying pop ups it costs money. The individual rate is $29.99 a year but CoaH has purchased a “church plan” to allow you to use Dwell this year, for free. Simply go this this LINK to sign up (PLEASE USE ONLY IF YOU ATTEND COAH BROOKLINE as there is a limit to the number of users)

  2. The Bible Project– We have highlighted this resource in the past. They create video content to help people understand the storyline of the Bible, individual books, themes, and doctrines. Many people at CoaH have used this resource and it is available in the Read Scripture App. This resource is very helpful for reading through the Bible in a year and works well with the Dwell app.

  3. ESV Study Bible – The most helpful study Bible on the market right now. Over a million copies have been sold. It includes extensive study notes for every chapter of the Bible, charts, maps, and articles make this study Bible a valuable resource for anyone who wants to grow in God’s Word.

Growing in Prayer 

My prayer for you, individually: In 2020 may you grow in following Jesus, experiencing his joy, peace, strength, love, kindness, mercy, and power in your life. 

My prayer for CoaH:

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. -Ephesians 3:20-21

- Pastor Bland

City on a Hill Brookline